Experience the spiritual journey with our Advent Calendar, filled with daily blessings of inspiring facts,
images, videos, and sounds honoring St. Therese. Unveil a new divine surprise each day through December 25!
Join us as we begin our Advent journey, focusing on small acts of kindness. Today, send a heartfelt note to someone who needs encouragement. Let’s spread love and cheer as St. Therese did, one little flower at a time.
St. Therese said, “The splendour of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” Take joy today in the unique ways you bring beauty to the world all year round through your kindness, compassion, and good deeds!
Today’s act of kindness: Bake some cookies and share them with neighbors or a local charity. Share pictures of your baked goods and the smiles they bring!
Our Little Flower teaches us that, “A word or a smile is often enough to put fresh life in a despondent soul.” You can honor her today by following in her “little way.” Whether you wave to a neighbor, encourage a friend, or smile at a stranger, you have the power to bring light into the world today.
Even in the most difficult times, our Little Flower showed great faith and love. At the tender age of 24, her final words on earth were, “My God, I love you!” May we be inspired to follow her example and share our faith no matter the circumstances that today brings.
Even in prayer, St. Therese teaches simplicity – talking to God and Jesus in direct, personal, and heartfelt ways. She prayed from her heart as a child speaks honestly and trustingly to a parent they love. Today, we invite you to repeat this simple prayer:
O Little Flower of Jesus, ask God to grant the favors
I now place with confidence in your hands…
Collect and donate winter clothing to a local shelter. As St. Therese believed, small acts can keep the warmth of God’s love alive in our communities. Share your stories of giving back today!
December 8th marks the feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Catholic feast day that celebrates the belief that the Virgin Mary was conceived without sin. St. Therese, “Our Little Flower,” is dedicated to Mary, so this feast day holds special significance at Society of the Little Flower. You can celebrate in your own special way, such as praying the Hail Mary before meals or learning more about her life and ministry.
Write your prayer intentions and place them on your Advent wreath or near your nativity scene at home. Each prayer represents a hope or dream, a small offering to God in this holy season. Share your intentions with us!
St. Therese believed in the power of small acts of love. Today, perform a simple act of kindness—perhaps buying a coffee for someone in need or offering a helping hand to a neighbor.
Decorate the National Shrine with your Christmas Prayer Intentions! The Society of the Little Flower is excited to continue the Christmas Tree of Hope. Please share your intentions with us and we will print them on a Christmas ornament to place them at the Christmas Tree of Hope at the National Shrine of St. Therese in Darien, IL.
Nothing is small in the eyes of God,’ St. Therese reminds us. Today, take a humble task you do daily and offer it up as a prayer. Whether it’s washing dishes or answering emails, let it become an act of love, as St. Therese did in her daily life.
As you decorate your home for Christmas, consider adding symbols of your faith. A nativity scene, a star, or an Advent wreath can transform your space into a reflection of the true meaning of the season. Share a photo of your decorations and let’s celebrate the light of Christ together!
Entrust your prayers to God through the intercession of St. Therese. Share your Advent petitions and a candle will be lit and placed at the National Shrine of St. Therese in Darien, IL. Just as the candle’s flame reaches to the heavens, may your heart be uplifted by our Little Flower.
St. Therese teaches us that prayer need not be elaborate to be profound. Today, embrace the simplicity of silent prayer. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and rest in the peaceful presence of God. Let your heart speak in the silence, as our Little Flower did.
Be blessed through Day One of Our Christmas Novena: Mercy and love St. Therese shares, “A God who became so small could only be mercy and love.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to Jesus and St. Therese: An innocent, lowly babe come to save us? How can this be? Such is the wisdom of God. Like a child rests in its mother’s arms, Jesus, so will I rest in you. Teach us how to be mercy and love.
Be blessed through Day Two of Our Christmas Novena: All the little souls St. Therese prayed, “Jesus, I want to tell all little souls of the wonder of your love.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to God and our Little Flower: St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did in God’s great love for me, so that I might imitate your “Little Way” each day. Father, instill in me the wonder of the Christmas Season, the celebration of Your Son, the sign of hope for our human family.
Be blessed through Day Three of Our Christmas Novena: I take refuge. St. Therese teaches us, “I take refuge, then, in prayer, and turn to Mary, and our Lord always triumphs.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to the Holy Mary and our patron saint: St. Therese, Our Blessed Mother soothed your broken heart, calmed your fears, and brought you ever nearer to Jesus. Blessed Mother, you gently lead us to your Son. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now.
Be blessed through Day Four of Our Christmas Novena: Above our strength St. Therese comforts us that, “Our Lord never asks sacrifices from us above our strength.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to the Jesus and His Little Flower: St. Therese, thank you for reminding us that “everything is grace!” Jesus, I will try to remember that every fault, upset, or slight I experience is an invitation to grace. I am reminded of the wonder of Your love and know that I am never alone.
Be blessed through Day Five of Our Christmas Novena: Choose all St. Therese exclaimed, “I choose all!”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to her: St. Therese, co-patroness of the missions, please watch over all of God’s people. Just as you chose all, let us remember ALL of our brothers and sisters. Please watch over your Carmelite brothers and sisters as they serve the lost, poor, hungry, and marginalized. Help them to celebrate the Good News of Christmas.
Be blessed through Day Six of Our Christmas Novena: Lead me on. St Therese prays, “Jesus, You are the Star that leads me on.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to our Lord and Savior: The Three Wise Men followed a star to You and fell to their knees. Was it hard for them to make this journey? Continue to be my Guiding Star in the rough terrain and busy season of Advent. Continue to be my Guide, my Star, and my Hope throughout my life.
Be blessed through Day Seven of Our Christmas Novena: Sight of Angels St. Therese encourages us, “Even when alone be cheerful, remembering always that you are in the sight of the angels.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to our Little Flower: St. Therese, we know you loved angels and believed they were everywhere! Holy Angels, help, guide and protect me this day. Father, I thank you for the gift of your “blessed spirits of heaven!”
Be Blessed through Day Eight of Our Christmas Novena: This bright night St. Therese teaches us, “In this brilliant night which illuminates the joy of the Holy Trinity, Jesus, the gentle little child of the hour, will change the darkness of my soul into torrents of light.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to Father God and His Son: Emmanuel! What am I that You have loved me so well? I know you will dispel the darkness in my soul if only I will let You! Help me to proclaim the joyous news, remind me to adore Jesus and share His love in the ‘little ways’ of our ordinary life.
Be Blessed through Day Nine of Our Christmas Novena: Little Miracle St. Therese recounts, “It would need a miracle to make me grow up once and for all, and God worked this little miracle on the date that I shall never forget: December 25, 1886.”
Read today’s prayer aloud in devotion to Jesus: Rejoice! Today is Your Birthday, Jesus! Let all Your sons and daughters come and adore You. Help me to put aside the commercialism of this day and focus on the heart of Christmas.
On this holy day, St. Therese encourages us to embrace the beauty of humility and love. Just as she found holiness in the little things, may we too find Christ in our everyday lives. Let this Christmas be a reminder that love, even in its smallest form, shines brightly. May your heart be filled with peace and joy today and always. Merry Christmas!